Eging Rod HART MJ EGI 86M DHME86M From €299.00 Eging rod offering the perfect compromise between responsiveness, power and lightness. Its high modulus carbon blank features a progressive action that is perfect for working egi from 2.5 to 4.0, catapulting the lure to distances far beyond those achieved by other rods. Its extremely sensitive tip will let you feel even the gentlest of takes by squid and... View
Eging Rod HART 25S IKA 83 DH25SIK83 From €215.00 Eging rod for even the most demanding anglers. The great power and progressive action of its high modulus carbon blank, added to its spliced-in tip, make this rod a real joy for eging enthusiasts. Capable of catapulting heavy 3.5 Egis in any fishing conditions while it can also detect even the slightest squid bites. View
Eging Rod HART BLOODY EGI 81 DHBEG81 From €143.00 Lightweight technical rod for summer and autumn eging enthusiasts. Thanks to its progressive action and the exceptional sensitivity of its spliced-in solid carbon tip, this rod provides great bite detection for fishing baby squid in summer, while the exceptional flexibility of its blank and good power reserve allow for the perfect casting of small 1.2 and... View
Eging Rod HART BLOODY EGI TIP RUN DHETR611 From €139.00 Rod specifically designed for catching squid using drift eging, known as Tip Run eging. Use this rod to work 2.5 to 4.0 egi, often with an added lead weight on the head, so that they weigh from 30 to 40 grams. Thanks to the incredible sensitivity of its ultra flexible tip and the exceptional power of its butt, you'll get the perfect hookset, with no... View
Eging Rod HART BLOODY EGI TRS DHBETRS68 From €136.00 Special rod for lightweight and medium squid drift fishing using the Tip Run technique. Perfect for fishing with egis of up to 4.0 with bucktail jigs weiging as mauch as 25 to 30 grams. Versatility, lightness and a great power reserve to easily handle good-sized squid with no tearing. View
Eging Rod HART BLOODY IKA 83 DHBIK83 From €163.00 Eging rod specifically designed for fishing in autumn and winter. The power and progressive action of its blank end in a sensitive spliced-in tip that perfectly transmits your movements to the lure, allowing you to detect even the slightest squid bites.Mounted with FUJI K ALCONITE guides. FUJI VSSM/B+TVSK reel seat with carbon clamp. Padded mesh rod bag. View
Eging Rod HART BLOODY TATAKI 80 DHBIKT80 From €120.00 Eging rod specially designed for handling large egis and tataki rigs. The power and progressive action of its blank are smoothly transmitted to its sensitive tip, for perfect handling of egis from 2.5 to 3.5. Its semiparabolic action will help you combat even the largest squid, avoiding tearing. Mounted with FUJI K ALCONITE guides. FUJI VSSM/B+TVSK reel... View
New Eging Rod HART BLOODY TR KRAKEN DHBTRK79 From €151.00 Multi-purpose rod for squid drift fishing (Tip Run) or for tataki fishing from the shore. Perfect for drifting with 2.5 to 4.0 egis, which can be weighted with an extra lead weight of up to 25 to 50 grams. Its 40 tons tubular carbon blank has a huge power reserve and, thanks to its ultra-sensitive tip, we will detect all the bites. View
New Eging Rod HART TORO EGI B FK 89 DHTEBFK89 From €109.00 Eging rod for when we need an extra cast. When we fish in places with poor accessibility or simply detect that the squid are further away, we need to put our lures there. Progressive action and good power reserve for hunting big squid and cuttlefish. View
New Eging Rod HART TORO EGING FK 73 DHTEGFK73 From €99.75 Super-lightweight rod for summer eging. Sensitive and progressive grafted tip that allows to move easily small egis and to detect all the touches of the warblers. View
New Eging Rod HART TORO TIP RUN FK 66 DHTTRFK66 From €126.00 Two-section rod designed for boat fishing for cephalopods. View
Eging Rod HART TORO TOTAL EGI AWFK 86 DHTAWFK86 From €108.00 Eging rod for fishing in autumn and winter. This rod is noted for its great progressive, semiparabolic action. Thanks to its power and length, you can effortlessly work large 3.5 egis from awkward rocky outcrops or from beaches requiring long distance casting. View
Eging Rod HART TORO TOTAL EGING FK 80 DHTTEFK80 From €111.00 Eging rod for fishing with larger egis in autumn. Highly sensitive tip and good power reserve. Progressive blank with sufficient power reserve to fight large winter squid. View
New Eging Rod HART TORO TR LONG FK 76 DHTTRLFK76 From €130.00 Tip Run rod for those who love drift fishing for squid. Tip sensitivity and high power reserve to be able to drag large cephalopods from the bottom without teaguide them apart. View
New Eging Rod HART NATION EGI TREK DHNET From €74.00 Versatile telescopic rod for beginner eging, with different powers and sizes to tackle both summer and autumn fishing. View
Eging Rod HART NATION EGI-F 82 DHNEF82 From €65.00 Versatile rod for getting started in eging, for pier and rock areas alike. View
Eging Rod HART NATION EGI-L 73 DHNEL73 From €71.50 Super lightweight rod designed for summer eging. View
Eging Rod HART NATION EGI-S 80 DHNES80 From €75.00 Eging rod for fishing in autumn. Highly sensitive tip and good power reserve. View
Eging Rod HART NATION SQUID-S80T DHNSS80T From €72.00 Versatile beginners eging rod for fishing in summer and autumn. View
New Eging Rod HART ECOSYSTEM EGI DHEYE From €39.95 Versatile rods for beginners fishing for squid, cuttlefish, etc., both from harbours and rocks. Progressive and semi-parabolic action to cast egis and handle them perfectly with their balanced and comfortable blanks. View
New Eging Rod HART ECOSYSTEM TELE EGI DHEYET From €48.25 Versatile telescopic rods, designed for beginners fishing for squid, cuttlefish, etc., both from harbours and rocks. Its short folding will facilitate transport and access to difficult areas.Progressive action ideal for casting egis and handling them perfectly with its balanced and comfortable blanks. View