Popping Rod HART 25S POPPING 7.10 DH25SP710 From €299.00 Fight with tuna, child`s play !!! This cane popping is ideal for those who want to fight tunas in spinning from a boat. Its light weight by using up to 40 tons of carbon make it perfect for these tough catches. Fuji sensitive tip and ring K make it possible to launch small teaspoons of 20 or 30 grams, for when the fish is eating small anchovies, and be... View
New Popping Rod HART BLOODY WILD POP DHBWP From €197.00 Specific rods for big tuna and tropical fishing. The great power developed by its blanks is designed to be able to fight big fish without problems. To avoid annoying problems of vibrations in the blank when working with big lures, we have mounted an inverted MN as the output guide and the rest of them KW. View
New Popping Rod HART MIURA POPPING 710H DHBMP710H From €225.00 Popping rod with the new ASB (AIR SOLID BLANK) system. Solid carbon blanks with a millimetric air chamber inside that gives us a slightly higher power than the classic solid carbon blanks but increases its sensitivity, lightness and resistance. This allows us to achieve a smaller diameter and weight than a standard popping rod, having the sensation of... View
Popping Rod HART TORO TAKTIK POPPING FK DHTTPFK710 From €154.00 Lightweight but powerful for summer fishing of medium-sized tuna. You can use it to effortlessly cast to fish for tuna and skipjacks, whose presence is indicated by flocks of birds hovering above, using lightweight and medium lures and easily catch good-sized fish. View
Popping Rod HART TORO TUNUS 80 DHTTU80 From €120.00 Powerful rod for those who would like to get into the wonderful, exciting, hard and complex fishing of large predators by spinning and popping. Progressive blank to cast and handle medium and large artificial lures (perfect for fishing with 35 to 80 gram poppers). You will be able to tackle 30 to 40 kilo tuna with guarantees of success. View
New Popping Rod HART NATION POPPING DHNPO From €89.75 Powerful rod for those who want to get started in the beautiful, exciting, hard and complex fishing for big predators spinning and popping. Progressive blanks for casting and handling medium and large artificial lures. View