Weighted Jig Jighead ARROW JIG IHJA From €2.20 Jighead built with an extra strong black nickel hook. Arrowshapedhead for rapid sinking. Thanks to its hydrodynamicshape, it slides perfectly, accompanying the movements ofthe lure. View
Weighted Jig Jighead HART BUCK-T IHBTU From €4.40 Weighted jig rigged with a powerful hook and featuring a tuft of deer hair andfibres, in attractive colours. Powerful casting capacity and a really tantalizingunderwater movement. Versatile: ripping, jerking, twitching, jigging, pumping… itcan even be rigged with shad or grub type vinyl tails. View
Weighted Jig Jighead HART K-COBRA IHAKC From €1.95 Heads with a RUGBY and COBRAshape, with super-soft siliconeskirts and exciting glitter colours.Lacquered paint and extrasharphooks with anti-seaweedtreatment. View
Weighted Jig Jighead HART K-RUGBY IHAKR From €3.60 Heads with a RUGBY and COBRAshape, with super-soft siliconeskirts and exciting glitter colours.Lacquered paint and extrasharphooks with anti-seaweedtreatment. View
Weighted Jig Jighead HART WORM IHAWH12 From €4.95 Triangular shaped heads with the weight concentrated in the base. Each headincludes a specially designed hook for the WORM vinyls. View
Weighted Jig Jighead JIG F IHJF From €5.10 Jig head specifically designed for vertical fishing and spinning. Thanks to its flat shape at the base, where most of its weight is concentrated, this jig head gives a slower sinking action and with a certain angle.Supplied in bags of 5 pieces. View
Weighted Jig Jighead JIG R IHJR From €1.56 Jighead built with a Round Black Nickel hook and spherical lead weight. Smooth finish to prevent the line getting caught up with the head. Fine fixture of the jig head to effectively rig the vinyl bait.Supplied in bags of 5 pieces. View
Weighted Jig Jighead SHAKI CAROLINA IHSL From €2.55 High quality weighted Carolina hook for Shaky rigging with vinyls View
Weighted Jig Jighead SWIMBAIT CON PALA IHWL From €3.10 High quality shank-weighted hook. Specifically designed to balance the vinyl swimbaits in the fishing action. Rear blade that generates attractive extra vibrations. View
Weighted Jig Jighead TENYA IHTN From €6.25 Lure design according to a centuries-old fishing technique practised in Japan. It is based on the handling of natural bait (normally a prawn) as if it were an artificial bait.To use it, mount the bait (prawn or small squid) on the fixed hook and with the assist hook secured to the head. Thanks to its tapered shape, our Tenya is perfect for vertical... View
New Weighted Jig Sinker HART Long Rattle Drop Shot IHDR From €6.95 Barrel-shaped sinker for drop shot fishing. Innovative interior with rattle. View
Tungsten Jig Jighead T-FOOTBALL IHTF From €8.10 Rugby ball shaped tungsten jig with extrasoftsilicone skirts, perfect for all types oftrailer rigging. It’s just perfect for technicalfishing, thanks to its matt black finish andspecial sound. View
Tungsten Jig Jighead TUNGSTEN SWINBAIT PALA IHWP From €6.20 Japanese quality hook with tungsten weights andspinner blade to give distinctiveness to the bait used. View
Tungsten Jig Jighead TUNGTEN SHAKI CAROLINA IHSC From €6.30 Carolina type Japanese quality hook with tungsten headfor Shaki rig. View
Tungsten Jig Sinker HART BULLET TUNGSTEN IHBT From €4.10 Tungsten bullet, unpainted withcentre hole. Designed for usein Carolina and Texas rigs. Thetungsten gives a sharper soundwhen the lure bangs againstthe bottom, so that the acousticwaves travel further, making iteasier to attract predators. View
Tungsten Jig Sinker TUNGSTEN LONG DROP SHOT IHLTU From €5.95 Tungsten long barrel-shaped sinker.Featuring a snap swivel on one endfor use in drop shot rigs. View
Tungsten Jig Sinker TUNGSTEN ROUND DROP SHOT IHRTU From €5.95 Tungsten round sinker. Featuring asnap swivel on one end for use indrop shot rigs. View